Debt Counseling Corp.
3033 Expressway Drive North
Hauppauge, NY 11749
Phone: 1.888.354.6332

Bankruptcy Counseling and Education

Pre-Bankruptcy Counseling (To be completed before you file for bankruptcy):

You are required by law (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005) to receive Credit Counseling by a qualified nonprofit organization, such as Debt Counseling Corporation before you begin the bankruptcy process in court. You must complete this counseling within 180 days PRIOR to filing for bankruptcy.

After you complete the Pre-Bankruptcy course, you will receive a Certificate of Counseling and can begin the bankruptcy process.

Click on the state you reside in to begin the process.

Alaska Arizona
Arkansas California
Colorado Connecticut
Delaware District of Columbia
Florida Georgia
Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana
Guam Iowa
Kansas Kentucky
Louisiana Maine
Maryland Massachusetts
Michigan Minnesota
Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Dakota
Northern Mariana Islands Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylyania Puerto Rico
Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee
Texas U.S. Virgin Islands
Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin

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