Debt Counseling Corp.
3033 Expressway Drive North
Hauppauge, NY 11749
Phone: 1.888.354.6332

Taking Responsibility for Your Financial Health

 Most of us realize that in order to stay physically healthy, we need to do certain things such as eating nutritious foods, avoiding other types of foods, getting adequate exercise, getting regular checkups, etc. In the same way, in order to achieve financial health there are certain things that must be done. Whatever method you choose to help yourself become debt-free, one thing is for certain:  if you are in debt, you must change your old financial ways.

  • Use a Spending Log for one to two weeks, to see where you are spending every penny.  Write down every
    purchase you make, every bill you pay, no matter how big or how small. Take note, too, of what you are feeling when you spend the money. Look for trends: do you make purchases when you are feeling sad? Happy? Encouraged? Do you seem to spend more money on the weekends? During the workweek? Review your own spending habits, and then see where you can cut down and save money.
  • Keep to a budget and curb excessive luxury and entertainment expenses.
  • Review the money-saving tips provided on this website, and create some of your own, and save money daily.
  • Don’t be foolish!  Don’t think that small savings are insignificant.  They’re not!  The old adage “A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned” really is true.
  • Contact a Certified Credit Counselor for ongoing education and support. Learn if you are eligible for the debt consolidation Debt Management Program (DMP) and get your interest rates reduced significantly.
  • Finally, as you progress, remember to feel proud of your efforts. It isn’t easy to change a habit, and your hard work is worth a big pat on the back. Reward yourself.

Most people think that rewarding yourself must require spending money.  But that‘s not necessarily true.  Here are some ideas:

  • Do something for yourself or your loved ones. Write a note to your closest friends or family members, and tell them all the things that you love about them. Sound corny? Try it and see the happy responses you get.
  • Forget those weekend chores and spend the time catching up on a good book or watching an old movie on TV instead.
  • Do you have a hobby?  Like to cook? Garden? Play an instrument? Do crossword puzzles?  Indulge yourself.
  • Enjoy nature by taking a simple walk in your neighborhood or in a local park.
  • Give yourself the gift of Time. Treat yourself well and acknowledge your good work.

You’re worth it!

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