Debt Counseling Corp.
3033 Expressway Drive North
Hauppauge, NY 11749
Phone: 1.888.354.6332

Spending Log

Use a new Spending Log each day to write down everything you spend. Keep track of all expenses, no matter how large or small, including bills that you pay. Take note of the mood you are in when you are spending the money. After 3-5 days, review the Spending Log for trends in your spending habits. Are there categories of spending you can reduce or eliminate? Do you find yourself spending money more readily if you are in a particular mood? Becoming aware of your spending in this way is a key step in becoming able to decide when and where you want to spend less of your money.

Try it for 3 – 5 days.

You’ll be surprised.

Date __________________________

Item/Service Amount Spent

How I Feel


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